Gaps between your teeth—also called diastemas—can happen for a wide variety of reasons. Sometimes they’re baby teeth trying to fill adult-sized gaps, sometimes the teeth can be pushed apart from an overbite or tongue movement, and sometimes the jaw is simply a little too big for all the teeth.
Whatever the reason is, it’s important to know that having a diastema is incredibly common and, in almost all cases, no cause for alarm. The only problem that a gap might cause is in leaving the gum exposed to sharp foods like potato chips, or the annoyance of getting food stuck in there.
With a gap-toothed look popularized by a number of models over the last few years, many people are realizing that you don’t need to have a perfectly full mouth to be beautiful—but, if you’re still not confident with your smile or you are concerned about the potential for gum damage, there are a few different ways we can fix that gap.
Like to know how it works? Keep reading this infographic to find out more—and, remember, if you have any questions, you can visit us for a complimentary consultation session! Just call (443) 603-3448, and our friendly staff will help you book an appointment.