You already know you smile if you feel happy, but did you know that smiling can actually make you feel happy, too? Psychologists have tested this theory and found that subjects who smiled more, even inadvertently, felt happier than subjects who frowned. Every time you smile, the brain interprets it as getting an award.
Smiling also releases three types of “feel-good” chemicals— endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin. Each of these acts on the “happy” parts of the brain, allowing you to feel more relaxed and less anxious. It’s also pretty good for your heart and blood pressure.
Smiles are always better when they are delivered with straight teeth. Of course, straight teeth offer many more advantages than just a pleasant smile.
If you don’t have a smile you like, visit Labbe Family Orthodontics. They offer many ways to straighten your teeth, including ceramic braces, Invisalign, and even surgical orthodontics. To find out more information about the benefits of smiling and getting your dream smile, read the following infographic.